Black History Month Finale

I'm just recovering from the excitement of this past weekend. We performed the Black Composers and Black Poets concert to a full house that ranged from elementary aged kids to my former first grade teacher, Mrs. Carolyn Maxey! (She actually taught the class next door to mine, but sometimes the classes did things together.)

Our program included music by Black composers from the 1700s through today. The Music For Everyone Strings group presented four pieces and knocked it out of the park!

It was thrilling for me to play with three generations of pianists in the program:

My mom, Frances Veri and I performed William Grant Still in conjunction with poetry by Langston Hughes performed by Dr. Amanda Kemp.

Then I got to play the world premiere of Dr. Maria Thompson Corley's "Cerulean Blues" and her haunting arrangement of African American Spirituals.

Finally, we closed out the show with the youngest pianist Klaude Larieux, playing music by Stevie Wonder, Errol Garner and Bill Withers.

The audience loved the variety of music!

I felt like all the parts of my life were coming together: Where I was; Where I'm going and Where I am RIGHT NOW.

As Bill Withers says, It was a "Lovely Day!" 

All my best,
